02.02.2023 • Wellness

Rash in Inner Thighs: Why Chafing Is Irritating Your Skin

Here’s what might be causing your rash and how to stop it.

Rash in Inner Thighs: Why Chafing Is Irritating Your Skin
The Thigh Life > Rash in Inner Thighs: Why Chafing Is Irritating Your Skin

If you’ve experienced a rash on your inner thighs, you’re definitely not alone. This region tends to be sweat-prone, dark and hot, making it an easy breeding ground for bacteria and irritation. It’s also a part of the body where your skin might rub together and chafe.

If you have a rash on your thighs, you may be experiencing inner thigh chafing, also known as chub rub. Let’s get to the bottom of what might be causing the discomfort on your legs and how to treat your rash.


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Is your rash in inner thighs caused by chub rub? 

Your rash might look something like red bumps, patches of inflamed skin, or blisters. There are many reasons why you might have a rash on your inner thighs, however there’s one way to determine if what you’re experiencing is chafing and that’s friction. You might have walked in the heat or gone for a run and now your thighs are on fire from rubbing together. That’s usually indicative of chub rub. We embrace the term chub rub because it’s a popular slang term for thigh chafing; we’re reclaiming it because we don't think that a totally normal skin condition that can happen to anyone should be stigmatized.

Other symptoms for an inner thigh rash include heat rash, dermatitis, pityriasis, razor burn and more. Here’s a list of other common thigh rash issues 

If you think you’re experiencing inner thigh chafing, there are a few ways to soothe your skin and make it feel better. First of all, if you’re burning up you want to cool the area whether that’s with a cold compress, cold shower or an ice pack. Since bacteria may play a role in thigh chafing you probably want to cleanse the area with a gentle soap and then keep your skin dry — moisture can make chafing worse. Avoid shaving in that area and if you want to put a guaranteed stop to further chafing, you may want to wear a fabric barrier. Our anti-chafing shorts come in a variety of materials and colours, and feel like a second skin on your body with the added benefit of stopping your bare thighs from rubbing together. 

Chub Rub Doesn’t Mean You’re Overweight 

There’s a misconception that only people who are overweight experience chub rub but that’s simply not true. In the video below, our founder Marnie Rabinovitch Consky shares some come reasons which include bone structure and fabric:

@thighsociety How many of these did you guess? #chubrubmyths #chubrubclub #thighchafemyths #thighsociety ♬ Everybody Wants To Rule The World - The Moving Stills

Why You Chafe Where You Chafe

Do your thighs seem to chafe in the same area? There’s a reason for that. Chafing can happen in a variety of locations on your thighs and really depends on where your skin touches.


@thighsociety Where do you chafe? #chubrub #chubrubproblems #chubrubmyths #thighsociety ♬ original sound - thighsociety

Rash Inner Thighs

No More Rash on Rash on Thighs — How to be Rash-Free 

Rashes are super uncomfortable but there’s an easy solution to keep you from getting them – slip shorts. Slip shorts can be worn under dresses, skirts and shorts on a warm day to prevent sweating and friction (two of the main causes of chub rub rashes) from happening. No more red bumps, blisters and overall discomfort when you wear them. Here’s how it feels to wear a pair of Thigh Society slip shorts:

@thighsociety Our slip shorts can do it allllll! Under skirts, dresses, pants or for sleeping, lounging, working out…it’s up to you 🙌 #slipshorts #chafewear #thighsociety ♬ when u wanna be this... - ava mae

While rashes often occur while you’re on the go, they can also happen while you’re at home or at the gym. Our shorts can be worn any part of the day whether you’re outside running errands, lounging at home, working out or sleeping. They’re made out of soft, stretchy material with a comfy waistband that won’t squeeze your skin. Our anti-chafing shorts will keep you rash-free and ensure you don’t feel any burning on your thighs.

Check out our sheer Cooling Shorts here to wear on a hot day.

Our Original Shorts started it all and are your versatile companion against inner thigh rashes.

The Staple Shorts are our softest short that isn’t too thick or sheer.

The Cotton Shorts are rich and extra comfy, ideal for lounging.


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Illiana is wearing The Cooling in size 3XL/4XL The Cooling 7" Beige
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Illiana is wearing The Staple in size 3XL/4XL The Staple 9" Cocoa
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The Cotton 7" Black Roxanne is wearing The Cotton in size S/M
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The Original 9" Black The Original 9" Black
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